Do you want to get updates about your preferred TV Shows or Movies?
Do you want to find which TV Shows or Movies that you can watch today?
TV Shows & Movies Guide is the right application for you!
And now, the Android version is available!
Over 300,000 users have already downloaded our products!
With TV Shows & Movies Guide you can get information about movies, seasons of TV shows, casting and actors, and so on...
TV Shows & Movies Guide uses the TMDb API to give you updates and info on the most popular, top rated, currently playing, and upcoming movies and TV shows. And, for every movie or TV show you can get detailed information about actors or single seasons and episodes. You can suggest them to friends, browse movies for genres, research them by title, and much more!
So, what are you waiting for?
Download Movies & TV Shows for Android today FOR FREE!
And enjoy yourself!
Several languages are supported! And more languages will be added soon...